Lately, we have had to institute the Time Out for Mariella. For awhile, we experimented with it, trying new spots to call the "Time Out" but each time, she managed to find a way to enjoy it. Finally, we settled on the chair in my office. It is just off the living room so it works well to separate her from the activity but not isolate her too much. She has not yet found a way to enjoy it, so it has become our regular go-to spot.
When we sit her in the chair, we tell her what she did wrong and then we say "Two minutes," so she knows how long she has to sit there, not that she can tell time, but it has become part of the routine. So, for instance, when she throws her toys, we take her in there, sit her down and say, "Mariella, do not throw your toys. Now sit in here for two minutes." Then I usually show her two fingers and I say again, "Two minutes."
The other day, Maggie was the one to get in trouble. She has developed a stealth lurk and will strike for your food the minute you blink. She likes to steal Mariella's food for all the obvious reasons. When she scores, I usually hear Mariella cry and yell, "Mommy, Maggie eatin' my cookie!" This is what happened the other day. Well it happens almost every day. Anyway, when I got to the scene of the crime, Maggie was slinking around the table. I yelled at her and chased her into the den and told her to "get in her bed!"
Mariella came running behind me and stopped in the doorway to the den. She threw her arm forward and pointed into the den and yelled, "Two minutes!"
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