Thursday, February 9, 2012

Itty Pahder

Recently, Mariella has learned some new songs and like most two-year olds, she has her own interpretations of these songs. The following are Mariella's lyrics:

Itsy Bitsy Spider, aka "Itty Pahder"

Itty Pahder inna water
down keam nawain an wassa uh
owkee sun ana wanna wain
itty pahder inna water.

Ring Around the Rosey, aka "Wing Awound a Wodey" version 1

Wing awound a wodey
asses, asses, asses, asses
We down!

Ring Around the Rosey, aka "Wing Awound a Wodey" version 2

Wing awound a wodey
pokka posey
asses, asses,
all fall down!

Here's the Church

Na church
ana teeple
open na door
anna people!

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